Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad music has its fans.

I know what you're thinking. Another rant-blog, right? I don't know what I want to do with this blog in the long run, but I just felt inspired!

This is how they do it.

This "band" is gaining momentum. How? The lyrics are trite, the instrumentation is everything bad about pop from the last twenty years, and from all of the songs I could bear to listen to for long enough, all vocals are auto-tuned, so they're not even singing. But I think I've figured it out.

Kelly, the "band" leader, looks like he's constantly jizzing in his pants while trying not to shit himself. This is somehow cool, and I think it's because it's "different".

Merch, you guys!

If you can bear watching more than the "music" video, you'll notice that KELLYSCOTTORR (because ALL CAPS is ALL COOL!) loves to push his merchandise. And seems more and more like a pedophile, now that I think about it.